Texas requirements state the following immunizations must be completed prior to the start of the upcoming school year.
Parents of upcoming Pre-Kindergarten Students for 2023-2024:
DTaP: 4 doses
Polio: 3 doses
Hepatitis A: 2 doses
Hepatitis B: 3 doses
MMR: 1 dose
Varicella: 1 dose
Hib: 4 doses
Pneumococcal: 4 doses
Parents of upcoming Kindergarten Students:
DTaP: 5 doses
Polio: 4 doses
Hepatitis A: 2 doses
Hepatitis B: 3 doses
MMR: 2 doses
Varicella: 2 doses
Parents of upcoming 7th Grade Students:
Tdap: 1 dose
Meningococcal: 1 dose
Written proof of receipt of these immunizations must be provided to the school nurse prior to the first day of school. Students who are not compliant will not be allowed to begin school until all vaccines have been received.
If you file an exemption for your child's immunizations, the school nurse must receive the most recent paperwork indicating the immunizations listed above. These exemptions are valid for two years. If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse.
E-mail: ashley.long@wellisd.net
Phone: 806.447.3117